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    HD- ED- reading fee dogs from Iceland


    How to order and pay for evaluation of x-rays of dogs living in Iceland.

    Before you make an appointment for your dog taking x-rays of hips/elbows you have to fill out a referral and pay for the evaluation, to the Swedish Kennelklubb, SKK. This can be done up to 12 months before the x-rays are taken.

    Here you download the referral, print it out, fill it out/sign, and upload it (as a pdf, jpg, or png file). It is mandatory to upload the referral before you can pay for the evaluation, directly to SKK. By creditcard.

    When we receive the referral and payment from you we will create a referral in SKK Röntgen. We will then contact you, by e-mail, so that you can make an appointment with your vet to take the x-rays.

    Make sure that you make the order and payment at least 2 weeks before the appointment at your vet. So that we have time to create the referral.

    Your vet will then send the x-rays to SKK for evaluation. When the evaluation is done you will get a certificate with the result, as a pdf file, to the e-mail adress in your order.

    SKK will also send the results to the Icelandic Kennel Club, HRFI.

    If you have any question you are welcome to contact us by phone Monday-Friday

    13-15 pm on +46 087953366 or by e-mail at vet@skk.se


    Download referral


    Kompatibla filtyper att Ladda upp: pdf, jpg, png

    Pris: 550,00 kr

    Om du har en svensk hund? Klicka här på röntgenavläsning för att beställa.
    If you live and own a dog in Iceland, close the pop-up window and go ahead with your order.

    Copyright © Svenska Kennelklubben